Homework Challenges

Ideas for Homework Challenges


  • Write sentences from your favorite book on index cards.  Mix them up and rearrange sentences.  You can illustrate them too!


  • Write a math story and solve it.  Example: I had 4 m&m’s.  I ate 3. I have 1 left. Use counters or draw pictures to solve.


  • Use number flash cards 1-20 or 1-30.  Mix them up and put them back in order (Forward/Backward).  Try it by 2’s and 5’s.


  • Be an author/illustrator.  Make a book (Draw, write and/or label).  Some examples of titles are: My Dream Vacation, My Family, My Friends, Sports, Animals, How To…, etc.


  • Put words in ABC order.  Have an alphabet handy as a visual tool.


  • Play a guessing game.  Put an item in a brown bag.  Write or say some clues like…”It starts with the letter B.  It rhymes with cook.”


  • Use a bigger word like RAINBOW.  See how many words you can make using only those letters.  Cut the word up and move the letters around if it helps.


  • Review with addition and subtraction flash cards.  You can purchase these from a store or make your own.


  • After you read a book, write a new ending or what you think should happen next if the story continued.  Don’t forget to illustrate!



For extra practice of first grade skills, you can also use the internet.  There are many websites and games that address academic skills.


Many board games such as Boggle, Scrabble, Bingo, etc. make spelling or learning fun.  They also help with turn-taking and following directions!!